Growth Factors (or GF for short) are large proteins that float between cells communicating messages, like growth, healing, and survival. Let’s talk more about how they work in your body and how the skincare industry has learned to use them to our advantage to help improve the look and health of our skin.
What are Growth Factors (GF) and What Do They Do?
They are naturally occurring and capable of stimulating cell growth, wound healing, and cellular differentiation. A good example of Growth Factors at work would be if you are riding your bike and you fall and cut your leg. The growth factor proteins begin firing between the cells that will be responsible for healing the wound.
The downside is that the older we get, the slower these proteins tend to fire, thus taking longer for the skin to heal (this is why you see more seasoned individuals with bruises that never seem to go away). This, in combination with the slowing of collagen production in around your mid 20’s, will determine how quickly and how well your body heals.
Growth Factors in Skincare
The idea that Growth Factors in skincare products will act as a sort of “replacement therapy” is all the rage right now. Topical products with GFs have been shown to help facilitate or rather “trick” the skin into creating more collagen and elastin. It’s been proven that the effective (and most popular) way to administer GFs is through Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) or Microneedling. What is Microneedling? Let’s dive into it
Microneedling and Growth Factors

Microneedling (aka CIT) stimulates collagen production which wakes up the body’s natural collagen production and when you tack on Growth Factors the results can be mind blowing. You see, essentially, Microneedling “tricks” the body into generating new collagen and elastin matrices by inducing microscopic damage thus instigating the wound healing process (so you are causing damage to your skin on purpose to force the body to react) and when you add GF’s the wound healing goes into overdrive, thus giving your body the chance to improve the appearance of many things including:
- scars
- Stretch marks
- Sun damage (Why weren’t you wearing sunscreen? We’ve been over this!)
- Shrinks pores
As well as improve the efficacy of topical skincare products and aids in the improvement of acne. A bonus advantage of Microneedling is that it can be combined with various other treatments.
Side Effects
Okay, so nothing in life comes without side effects. In the case of Microneedling however, thankfully it’s limited. You see, unlike lasers and chemical peels, Microneedling tends to be a bit easier on the skin with fewer side effects. You wouldn’t think that considering you are damaging your skin to improve it, but it’s true. At the worst, most patients will appear red for about 24 hours following treatment and that’s it.
Who Should Try Microneedling?
Now the question is… who should try Microneedling? The answer is pretty much anyone who would like to improve their skin. Especially the younger group of individuals with acne and the more seasoned individuals looking to fight the signs of aging. Matter of fact, there is a very small demographic of people who Microneedling would not be a good fit for. Your Skincredible clinician can discuss with you other options if you happen to fall into that category.
Growth Factors are Your Friend

♫ You’ve Got A Friend In Me… ♫
Growth Factors are great helpers to your body. By combining them with Microneedling, we can improve the health and appearance of your skin which also helps increase your confidence when you look in the mirror. It’s like a perfect trio of benefits.
Are You Ready?
Our trained clinicians are available to help you decide if Growth Factors and Microneedling are the right treatments for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to find out if one of our recommended products is right for you!